
Roy – Squat & Hip Thrust | Vancouver Strength & Mobility Coach | Upside Strength

Here’s Roy (55 years strong) kicking some ass on the last day of this training block. He worked up to an easy 105 lbs Barbell Box Squat for 10 reps. He also set a new personal record with 220lbs (100kg) for 10 reps on the Barbell Hip Thrust.

I’ve only been seeing Roy once a week for the past 6 months. In addition to that, he trains at home twice a week (1x mobility + 1x strength) and runs frequently as well.

We didn’t start with weights like these at the beginning. Roy’s first squats were Goblet squats with a 15 lbs dumbbell. This gives you an idea of what is achievable with consistent work over long periods of time.

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Sean is a strength and mobility coach based out of Vancouver, BC. He strives to build a strong and healthy community by providing fitness education, inspiration, motivation and support through one-on-one coaching, distance coaching and public speaking.

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