Shred Fat With This Non-Stop 20-Minute Kettlebell Circuit Workout

If you’ve got limited equipment, limited space, and/or limited time but you want a GREAT fat-loss workout, you’re going to love this one…and by love I mean hate.

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You’re going to do a circuit of 3 sets each of 5 kettlebell exercises, covering 5 of your major movement patterns (vertical explosive, upper body push, upper body pull, lunge and hip hinge). You’ll be done with the entire workout in less than 20 minutes.

All you need is a pair of kettlebells (dumbbells could also work, if you don’t have kettlebells) for this circuit. I used a pair of 24 kg (53 lb) kettlebells for this circuit and that was plenty.

Here’s the fun part…instead of resting between sets, you’re going to do 40 seconds of kettlebell swings using one of the bells that you’re working with.

Seriously…NO rest.

All you get is however long it takes you to get into the next exercise.

Perform all 3 of the sets for each exercise before moving to the next exercise in the sequence. It’s not going to be too hard at first, but as fatigue accumulates in your posterior chain (especially towards the end), it’s going to be extremely challenging.

A 20-Minute Nightmare

This circuit seems pretty straightforward, but in practice it is BRUTAL. If you were doing just the exercises on their own, it would be tough…when you add 40 seconds of swings in between every exercise, it is incredibly hard.

When you’re getting into the second half of the work (where the focus shifts to lower body), if you need to take short breaks in your swings, you can (I had to). Just set the kettlebell down for 3-5 seconds, without stopping the timer, then pick it up and keep going until your 40 seconds are up.

This is an extremely efficient fat-loss workout…it’s equipment-efficient, space-efficient and time-efficient, all wrapped up into one powerful total-body-challenging package.


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Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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