Strength focused workout

I like variations and new mesocycles come for it. I wanted to introduce a weekly training card focused mainly on strength work, reducing volume but increasing intensity. I started to approach rings training that I gave up for a while.
But I’m approaching to it very slowly and carefully because , I need time for a good conditioning work, my wrists and elbows know why… So I keep a considerably low number of sets and repetitions. Here it starts seriously my road to rings muscle up. I also introduced a superset strength circuit to give some metabolic stress and at the same time to stimulate the cardiovascular system.
Below is the workout
Wo A
Weigthed chin ups 4 x 4 +4kg 60 or 90 sec rest
Last rep with 5 sec hold and controlled negative
Muscle up progression:
Ring support hold 4 x 10 sec
False grip partial pull up hold 3 x 1 – 5 sec each hold
Rings push ups 3 x 10 – 1 min rest
Strength circuit with weigthed vest + 10kg
5 rounds:
3 exercises in superset
1. body rows 3 x 10
2. bw triceps extensions 3 x 10
3. squats 3 x 10
At 4th set I take off my vest and I go on with others 2 sets with only bodyweigth
End of workout: 1 set of max reps band assisted pull ups
L sit 4 x 15 sec hold
The video doesn’t include all sets and reps, strength circuit too is not shown as a complete video.

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