Talk 040 Bodybuilding Genetics: Good vs Bad

Talk 040 Bodybuilding Genetics: Good vs Bad

Do you have good or bad genetics for being a bodybuilder? In this talk, Steve explores the various components that go into determining whether a person has a favorable genetic foundation that will support the person’s goals of building muscle. As Steve discusses here, the answer to this question of genetics is not singularly focused on being the most massive bodybuilder on a competitive stage, as is so typically stated by many of today’s younger online commentators and critics. The answer is not the simple cut and dried proclamation advanced by most, and in this talk, Steve presents many other important factors and viewpoints in bodybuilding genetics that are universally overlooked, such as those that advance his Prime Directive of living long and finishing strong.

Iron Vegan Background Information:

Veteran Bodybuilder Steve Greene shares his thoughts about the lifestyle of bodybuilding as it contributes to a fit healthy existence, and its positive effects on maximizing one’s functional longevity. Steve began bodybuilding in 1968, as a defense response to a high school bully. What began in negativity so many years ago eventually emerged as a serious lifelong way of existence that is now ingrained behavior. He discusses with viewers the many varied benefits of bodybuilding in his presentations.

Steve competed in physique contests for seventeen years, and knew many “golden era” bodybuilders personally, training with several of the best at Bill Pearl’s Pasadena Health Club in southern California, including Bill Pearl himself (4x Mr. Universe), Jim Morris (1973 Mr. America), Chris Dickerson (1982 Mr. Olympia), Dennis Tinerino (Mr. Universe), Dave Johns, Clint Beyerle, and many others. He was schooled by the top men of the 1970s and earlier, including Frank Zane and Steve Reno, and was a contributing writer and photographer for Muscle Digest magazine during that time. Steve was the owner/trainer of Globe Gym in southern California in the 1980s, after leaving Bill Pearl’s gym.

On this channel, he now discusses many aspects of bodybuilding, including, but not limited to, training, diet, ego, injuries, and the aging bodybuilder. Steve will bring more than fifty year’s worth of personal experience into the discussion as he also evaluates popular training and diet trends. Additionally, he will examine commonly held beliefs that a bodybuilder must eat animals and animal products in order to achieve noteworthy muscle growth, and talks about his own permanent transition from a highly carnivorous diet during his earlier years to a diet that is now totally herbivorous. Steve continues to train with weights three times weekly, for two hour sessions, and rides his bicycle two times weekly on his non training days, also for two hour sessions.

If viewers have potential ideas for future talks and discussions, please leave them in the comment section on this page, and perhaps Steve will be able to produce an episode on suggested topics if they fall within the realm of his knowledge and experience.

Links to Steve’s online presence, for those who are interested:

1) Steve’s article on “Sustainable Bodybuilding” for life:

2) Steve’s article on “Radical Longevity” regarding living long:

3) Steve’s Amazon Author’s page:

4) Steve’s CafePress store, which sells motivational and content related merchandise, such as sweatshirts, T-shirts, clocks, mugs, and other personal items all about the bodybuilding sport and lifestyle:

5) Steve’s Trike Hobo YouTube channel:

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