The Biggest Lie About Weight Loss

Every diet works and every exercise can lead to drastic weight loss… Keyword being “WEIGHT LOSS”.
I cannot begin to explain how much frustration and pain I see on a day to day basis from my Bootcampers who invest their precious time and grocery budget on the newest weight loss program, which almost always results in binge eating and a wrecked metabolism.
For decades the fitness industry has sold us on lies. We’ve been told that weight loss is the same thing as burn loss when it reality most people burn water weight and muscle tissue and never get to the fat. Burning fat is not rocket science folks, but it does require the correct information. It is not easy but it is simple and as long as you are willing to learn you will burn, fat that is.
My mission is to give you the truth about weight loss so if you’re tired of crash diets and false promises leave me a comment below, or message me directly.

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