The Good Morning Burger Workout – Metabolic Conditioning and Fat Loss

This workout is a fantastic metabolic conditioning and fat loss workout, hitting every major muscle group in your body by strategically using the “big 3” exercises…deadlift, bench press and squat.

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I call it the Good Morning Burger workout because first, it’s a Simpsons reference and I’m a big fan of the show, second, you’re sandwiching three things together, and third, it will wake your butt up, big time. Plus, it has a nice ring to it.

You’ll need to set up three exercises. I’m using a trap bar deadlift, a dumbbell bench press and a regular barbell back squat. You can use any variation of these exercises, equipment permitting (e.g. straight bar deadlift, barbell bench press and dumbbell squat would be fine…that kind of thing).

I found this combination to be very effective and will likely be the easiest setup for you.

You’re going to do a 20 rep set of each of these three exercises, taking 30 seconds rest in between sets.

Then you’ll take 1 minute rest.

Then you’ll do another round of the same three exercises, using the same weights, getting as many reps as you can (it won’t be as many)

Then you’ll take 2 minutes rest.

Then you’ll do it again…then take 3 minutes rest…then 4 minutes rest…then 5 minutes rest…then one final round and done.

This will be 6 total rounds.

The idea behind this is called “front loading”…where you do more work up front in the workout while you’re fresher. Then, as you fatigue, you stretch out the rest periods to allow you to keep performing more work.

If you just kept to 1 minute rest, you’d fade out fast. By increasing rest periods, we actually keep the workload at a decent level.

You will be done with the whole workout in about 35-40 minutes, depending on how many reps you get and how fast you get them.

This is a phenomenal workout for hitting just about everything in your body. It will challenge your muscles and your cardiovascular capacity very strongly….just like a Good Morning Burger should…


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Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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