Very Challenging ABS Workout At Home – 10 Exercises – 5 minutes – 6 PACK!

Very Challenging ABS Workout At Home – 10 Exercises – 5 minutes – 6 PACK!
Make sure you tell me how many rounds you have done in the comments – whoever does the most rounds wins!!
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This Abs Workout At Home is not designed for beginners, if you have some background in training and consider your core to be strong then this workout is definitely for you. Make sure you’re performing each exercise with the correct form that means you should maintain the motion of an exercise for the entire duration for example in a plank position you want your body to be straight as soon as your hips start dropping stop the exercise.

Best thing to do is perform as many perfect reps as you can, rest and resume to get a couple more in. You can do this workout anywhere you please in the park, at the comfort of your home or in the gym! Get one of your friends to do it with you!

Exercises Used:

Crunch Kicks Outs With Clap Inbetween
Leg Raise Circles
Plank Jacks
Supported V Ins
Side Plank
Side Plank
V tuck Kick Outs
Plank Walk In & Out
Crunch Ins & Outs
Crunch Ins & Outs 90 % In Knees

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