Week 11 Days 1-3 – Thrower Preseason Strength and Conditioning

Go here to read the blog post that goes along with this video:

This week we are preparing for max week with our last heavy session of this cycle before maxing in week 13. This week introduces the concept of overload. We will be going over 100% of our previous 2 rep max for a heavy single. This is for a few reasons. First is to increase confidence. We will be getting heavier weight in the athletes hands and on their back. They will hit one repetition with heavier weight than they have handled for the past 4+ weeks. Second, it primes them for some bigger numbers on week 13. Third, it gets them comfortable with their spotters and increases morale in the weight room. All this leads up to a more confident athlete hitting bigger numbers and handling heavier weights leading to their max week. That’s a great place to be heading into a testing week. Hope you’re having fun with the training so far and feeling a lot stronger.

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