011: Best Rep Ranges for Vertical Jump, Strength & Muscle Growth-The PJF Podcast

1:27-Damon Sheey-Guisepp
9:34-Paul’s Wedding
13:30-Bay Area Conference Takeaways
17:21-Optimal Rep Ranges
51:35-Q and A


  1. SHOTBYVDOT says:

    Can you gain move inches on your vertical at age 35 and up

  2. AVI B says:

    than you man

  3. Lance S says:

    Love the podcast. Always filled with great content and food for thought, especially for those within the field of kinesiology. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the awesome work! 🦑

  4. Beast Mode says:

    I got an important question but this question is just for the fuckin experts. In sprinting when we reach top speed we spend between 0.80 and 100ms on the ground (with spikes obviously) and so my question was what else except sprinting can help improve my performance because depth jumps are to slow(150-200ms) weights help only the first 1-2 years so what else except sprinting can make me faster because I don’t know any other exercise where you spend 0.70-100 ms on the ground.

  5. Makstrero says:

    Ready for some #squidteam listening! BTW, can’t you make a coupon code for vert code? The code could be teamsquid 😀